Radiance, Inspiration, Self-Responsibility

Release your  blockages!

The Mindflow system is

highly efficient and effective in dissolving

 stress, pain and blocks on a physical, mental

and emotional level in the shortest time possible.

You learn to neutralize attacks of all sorts and on all levels and harness the energy behind it for yourself.

Particularly at the present time this is very important and useful.

The techniques used are thousands of years old
It was only given to a chosen few.

Today the time has come for all interested individuals to

gain access to this precious knowledge.

The Mindflow system developed by Tom Moegele is unbelievably efficient and effective in dissolving stress, pain and blocks on a physical, mental and emotional level in the shortest time possible.

The techniques used are thousands of years old and have been secret knowledge until recently. It was only given to a chosen few.
Tom Moegele was one of them

and developed it into Mindflow.

Today the time has come

for all interested individuals to gain

access to this precious knowledge.

The Mindflow system is highly efficient and effective
in dissolving stress, pain and blocks on a physical, mental and emotional
level in the shortest time possible.

You learn to neutralize attacks of all sorts and on all levels and harness the energy behind it for yourself.

Particularly at the present time this is very important and useful.

The techniques used are thousands of years old
It was only given to a chosen few.

Today the time has come for all interested individuals to gain access to this precious

Expert Session

Training Events

Expert Session

In an "Expert Session" we work in the quantum field, in the field of unlimited possibilities. In this space the unimaginable becomes possible.

Physical, emotional and mental blockages are being dissolved without you needing to know the underlying issues. You and your body heal themselves in this space, I only give the impulse for this to happen. Your system knows exactly where to start first.

As incredible as this might sound, a Mindflow session can help you in many different areas:

  • Physical symptoms
  • Professional challenges
  • Relationship problems
  • Difficult situations with children
  • Pending decisions
  • Mobbing
  • Burnout
  • Fears, phobias
  • Lack of self-confidence

In an "Expert Session" we work in the quantum field, in the field of unlimited possibilities. In this space the unimaginable becomes possible.

Physical, emotional and mental blockages are being dissolved without you needing to know the underlying issues. You and your body heal themselves in this space, I only give the impulse for this to happen. Your system knows exactly where to start first.

As incredible as this might sound, a Mindflow session can help you in many different areas:

  • Physical symptoms
  • Professional challenges
  • Relationship problems
  • Difficult situations with children
  • Pending decisions
  • Mobbing
  • Burnout
  • Fears, phobias
  • Lack of self-confidence


It seems like a miracle to me and is almost incredible that I got rid of something so severe.

Nina Zyla-Auteried

Salzburg, Austria

I was suffering of panic attacks that were caused by very specific situations. During these attacks I was choking and sweating, my heart was racing or all my energy was suddenly gone. If it was really bad, my attacks resulted in fear of death.

Gabriela's Mindflow treatment took about 5 minutes. Weeks have passed since and the panic attacks never returned, even though I faced several situations that earlier would have caused one for sure. It seems like a miracle to me and is almost incredible that I got rid of something so severe.

Mindflow Seminars

Being in the flow and achieve anything? From a space of Not-Doing?

The number of Mindflow users is exploding in numbers. Executives, coaches, doctors, therapists, teachers, actors and a wide range of different people are thrilled about how useful the tools are in their everyday life.

The space of "Not-Doing" doesn't mean that you don't have to do anything, but you act from a higher level of consciousness, following the impulses you receive in this space.

In this Mindflow seminar you learn the basic tools of Mindflow. The Mindflow system is extremely efficient and effective to dissolve stress, pain and blockages on a physical, mental and emotional level in the shortest time possible.

Be prepared for a life-changing experience!


The next dates

upon request 

Register here


I'm overwhelmed by how well it works and how useful these techniques are.

Esti Schnyder

Nürensdorf, Switzerland

"I've attended the Mindflow seminar with Gabriela. I'm overwhelmed by how well it works and how useful these techniques are. Gabriela, one can feel your passion for the topic and your knowledge is impressive.

It is with pleasure that I recommend you and your courses to others. Thank you so much, you are a wonderful person and I'm grateful to have met you."

Now I know why I continue working as a teacher for another year even though I could have retired for a long time.

Theresa von Siebenthal

Aeugst am Albis, Switzerland

Finally I was able to attend the Mindflow seminar and get rid of some issues.

Already coming home was a suprise. My partner greeted me in a beautiful way like he's never done before (that was one of my topics).

On Monday I started "beflowed" into the new school week and experienced a healing encounter with one of my colleagues (also one of my topics). The next day I was expected to take on the responsibility for a child which I didn't want to take at all. I was struggling the whole day internally with it. In the evening I applied one of the techniques and I was able to let go. The next morning it was clear: I'm doing it. And the good thing is that I'm no longer stressed about it.. To sit in G4 with a child writing a test, that normally has great difficulties doing so, has a spectacular effect.

The class teacher was surprised at how well he did all of a sudden. She had intended to send him to a special needs school! Now I know why I continue working as a teacher for another year even though I could have retired for a long time.

Mindflow training events

Only for participants of the respective seminars

The next dates

Upon request. 


Only for participants of the respective seminars

The next dates

Next dates will soon be communicated.

The events will now take place in Alpnach, not in Wettswil anymore.


50 CHF / event


Biel 3, 6055 Alpnach

Parking available.

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